published on 08/05/2010
Mountain Lion Newsletter
Greetings Mountain Lions! Our next meeting is Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 6:30 pm at the MACC. Our speaker will be David Harrison. David is a lip reader and deafness spokesperson.
The meeting of July 27 was led by King Lion Brian Eades. Lion Moss White gave the invocation and Lion Jerry Pala led the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests included Lamar Hutcherson (Lion David Leonard) and Ruth Robinson.
King Lion Eades read a thank you note which had been sent to Lion Bill Leonard regarding the July 4th BBQ. Included with the note was a check for $15 to be a donation to the SMLC.
A number of SMLC members were recognized at the recent District 12-O cabinet Meeting:
• Lion Mel Tryon received a pin as a result of being named the District 12-O Lion of the Year, and also received a Governor’s Appreciation Award for his leadership during the last year.
• Lion Jerry Pala received a Governor’s Appreciation Award for his leadership during the last year.
• Lion John Moon was recognized by the District Governor for his efforts as District 12-O pin trader.
• Lion Steve Hankins was the recipient of a Governor’s Appreciation Award for his work as the District 12-O Webmaster.
• And, Lion Frank Kalinowski, editor of The MOUNTAIN LION, was presented at our meeting with an award for the “District 12-O Superior Newsletter, 2.”
At the club level, a number of members were recognized for perfect attendance during the last year: Larry Bascom, Chris Cole, Brian Eades, John Moon, John Rutledge, Jim Simpkins, Jim Wade, Curtiss Hewlett, Phil Johnson, Bill Leonard, Ron Nudo, Jerry Pala, Don Swisher, and Mel Tryon.
And special recognition and thanks go to the SMLC “Woodies,” who recently moved and unloaded four truckloads of wood to be used at future BBQs: Bill Leonard, George Davenport, Larry Bascom, Jerry Pala, Curtiss Hewlett, Louis Glendenning, and Jim Wade.
Lion Chris Cole reported on the recent meeting of the Hamilton County Sight Services Committee. The Committee is taking more applications and is also receiving some from others, such as social workers. As has been recent practice, each club will be asked to donate $10 per member to support the much needed activities of the committee.
Car raffle tickets sales are meeting expected sales targets, according to Lion Curtiss Hewlett. Tables will be set up at both Ace Hardware and Pruett’s before Labor Day, and Lion Pete Rittenberry will be scheduling the two-hour shifts for each Saturday.
Lion Charles Adams asked fellow Lion Louis Glendenning to come forward and be recognized as having brought two new members to the club.
And, Lamar Hutcherson was inducted as a Lion. Lamar is sponsored by Lion David Leonard.
Lion Jerry Pala reported on the recent meeting of the District 12-O Eye Bank, which sponsored 24 cornea transplants during the last quarter. At present six individuals remain on a waiting list. Support for the Eye Bank comes from White Cane activities, which have raised over $18,000 for the cause.
King Lion Brian Eades read a thank you letter from former Leo sponsor Jeff Barlew. Jeff is off to pursue a graduate degree. Jeff’s replacement, Allison Drinkwine, will be inducted as an honorary member during August.
Lion Mike Grant informed the club that assignments would be sent out soon.
Lion Dr. Robert Spaulding gave an enlightening talk about the homeless in the Chattanooga area. A practicing Podiatrist, Lion Spaulding works with local agencies to help the homeless, and has taken it upon himself to make personal investigations as to the lifestyles and conditions experienced by the homeless in the area, including on Signal Mountain.
The Lucky Lion for the evening was Moss White.
That’s all for now, see you at the next meeting!