Signal Mountain Public Library
1114 James Blvd
Librarian: Karin Glendenning
With over 20,000 print and non-print items, both adults and children have access to materials that meet their recreational and educational needs. The library's reference center and computer lab are located on the main level. The computers are available for word processing, Internet browsing, and locating information on the library's CD-ROM collection. A library card and an Internet waiver signature are required to use the library computers. The Book Nook, a used-book sale is located on the lower level along with meeting space with access to the outside patio for groups and organizations.
Library cards are free to Town of Signal Mountain residents. Non-residents must pay a fee.
Library hours: Monday 12 - 8pm
Tuesday 10 - 6
Wednesday 10 -6
Thursday 12 - 8pm
Friday - Closed
Saturday 10 - 2
Sunday - Closed
Pre-School Story Time:
Meets: Tuesday at 11:00 a.m.
Recycle Center
Recycle Coordinator
The Recycle Center is located on the west side of Ridgeway Avenue just north of Signal Mountain Town Hall. The center accepts aluminum cans, newspaper, mixed paper, cardboard, #1 and #2 plastic bottles, jugs, and jars, glass, and rinsed steel (tin) cans. The center also has a used book exchange and a drop box for the Welfare Council, which accepts used toys and clothes that are in good repair.
Hours: |
Tuesday |
9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Wednesday |
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Thursday |
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Friday |
11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Saturday |
8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. |
Signal Mountain Post Office
1155 Ridgeway Avenue
Hours of operation:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday - 8 AM to 4 PM
Thursday - 8 AM to 12:00 Noon
Saturday - 9 AM to 12:00 Noon
Signal Mountain Police Department
If you are going away on vacation and wish to notify the Department, an officer will check your residence on a daily basis while you are away.
Emergency: 911
Dispatch: 3404 Amnicola Hwy.
Business: 1111 Ridgeway Ave.
Town of Walden Emergency 911 (emergency)
Hamilton County Sheriff's Department
Signal Mountain Fire Department 
Emergency: 911
Dispatch: 3404 Amnicola Hwy.
Business: 1111 Ridgeway Ave.
Fire Hall: 1111 Ridgeway Ave.
The Department conducts fire prevention programs for elementary and secondary school children and CPR classes. In addition to free home inspections, the Signal Mountain Fire Department offers fire suppression, vehicle extrication, some hazmat response as well as being qualified first responders. Tours of the station are provided upon request.
Walden's Ridge Emergency Service (WRES)
or 911 Answers call both inside and outside of the town free of charge. WRES volunteers include general response personnel, registered emergency medical technicians, or first responders.
Provided by Hamilton County on a fee basis. Dial 911. Walden's Ridge Emergency Service (WRES) A volunteer organization - answers emergency calls of all kinds at no cost to those inside or outside the town. or 911
Lone Oak Volunteer Fire Department and Emergency Service
6078 Taft Highway
Signal Mountain, TN 37377 USA
Visit their website for more information...
Electric Power Board
Chattanooga Gas Company
Comcast Cable
Town of Signal Mountain Water & Sewer
The Town reads water meters and bills on a quarterly basis. Water bills can be placed in the drop box in the Town Hall parking lot.
Waldens' Ridge Utility District
3900 Taft Highway
WRUD reads water meters and bills on a monthly basis. Water bills can be placed in the drop box in front of the WRUD office.
The Town of Signal Mountain
The Town provides free curbside garbage service to Town of Signal Mountain residents twice a week, either Monday/Thursday or Tuesday/ Friday depending upon location. Backdoor service is available for a fee (free to qualified applicants). Brush cut to acceptable lengths will be picked up. During the fall, extra pickups are scheduled for leaves that have been raked to the curb.
BFI provides garbage service to Walden residents and bills quarterly.
The Transfer Station
714 Mississippi Avenue
Monday - Friday 7:30AM to 3:45PM
Saturday 9AM to 4:45PM
The Transfer Station accepts a reasonable amount of brush, scrap, metal, leaves, wood, or any other item normally accepted by the Town. This service is provided free to Signal Mountain residents though a fee is charged to dispose of building materials and tires. In order to use the Transfer Station, an ID that verifies Signal Mountain resident status must be shown. Non-residents must pay to use the services of the Transfer Station. Fees are collected at the Signal Mountain Town Hall before dumping.