Wednesday October 4th, 2006 home > features > community
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Community    |    Articles of interest to the community.

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published on 09/27/2006

Citizens Against the Recall


We CARE about our town.

On November 7,we as Signal Mountain residents will have the opportunity to maintain our integrity by
voting ‘No ’ to the proposed recall election. Supporting the recall would compromise our personal values and the civic unity that has historically enabled our community to accomplish so much,including the building of a new high school.At these costs,a recall is clearly not in our best interest.

A recall is a tool for removing individuals from office for unethical,illegal or immoral behavior.The officials targeted in the recall effort are honest,respectable and committed individuals who have performed their duties according to the highest moral and ethical standards.By voting for their recall,our community would be removing qualified candidates from office and setting a precedent that would discourage good people from running for office in the future.
While we are a diverse mountain community when it comes to our opinions on growth and zoning,we
chose our current officials to represent our interests.Our Town Council has always acted responsibly and in good faith.We may not agree with all the decisions they make,but recalling them before the end of their terms would be wrong.It would be a disservice to all of us who are working hard to make Signal Mountain an even better place to live,work,raise our children and retire.

November 7 th will be our opportunity to stand up for what we know in our hearts is the right thing to do.Do the right thing and vote ‘NO ’to the recall of each of the four officials who have worked tirelessly for us and the future of our mountain! Early voting is October 18-November 2.

For a complete overview of the zoning actions taking place,visit

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