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Just For KidsÊÊÊ |ÊÊÊ for Kids Only

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published on 05/26/2007

Library News


Student Volunteers sought at Library

The Signal Mountain Library is accepting applications for student volunteers to help with the Summer Reading Program, Rompin’ Stompin’ Reading Roundup, which begins June 5.

Students must be at least 12 years of age and be willing to volunteer at least two hours a week during June and July.

Student volunteer duties include assisting with registration for the reading program and helping to shelve books. Students will learn how the library works and may then apply to work as a regular volunteer during the school year.

Application forms are available at the library. For more information, call .

Library announces Birthday Club

The Signal Mountain Library announces the institution of a Birthday Club to honor friends and family members on their special day.

Patrons are urged to enroll in the club by donating at least $20 to the Birthday Club Fund. Book(s) will then be purchased, and a special bookplate noting the donor and honoree will be placed in the front of the book. The library will notify recipients of gifts made in their name.

For more information about the Birthday Club, contact the library at .

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