published on 09/13/2007
Thrasher News
By Contributed Article
Grace and John Carlson |
Thrasher kicked off the annual coupon book sale on Friday September 7, 2006. Co Chairs Jennifer Dantzler and Lisa Adair motivated the kids by announcing that the top K-2 classroom's teacher would lead the school in the Chicken Dance while their teacher wears a chicken costume. Dr. David Adair gave the kids a sample of this "chicken dance" performance at the kick-off announcement. The top 3-5 classroom will get to perform a song from High
School musical with their teacher and Mrs. Trohanis dressed in a cheerleading costume. The goal for Thrasher is to sell 4,200 books. Seven dollars from each ten dollar sale goes directly to the school.
Cross Country Track Club
Thrasher Elementary Cross Country athletes started off the year right at the
first Hamilton County Track Meet held at Baylor School on September 6.
Results are as follows:
3rd grade
Boys: Jack Arnold 4th, Tate Prater 6th, Jacob Stallings, 7th, Baker Zink
9th, C J Cushing 11th,
Girls: Grace Wardeburg 1st, Taylor Brooks 5th, Ella Stewart 10th, Lauren
King 12th
4th grade
Boys: John Carlson 1st, Alex Christenson 3rd, Jake Marsden 11th
Grace Carlson 1st Anna Abello 6th, Lucy St Charles 7th, Caroline Culpepper
9th Balie Mitchum 11th
5th grade Boys:
Stephen Heinechen 2nd, Bryan Wardeburg 10th
Syndey Gautier 1st, Ellie Haskins 3rd, Madison Watson 5th, Lindsey 6th,
Meagan Oscar 8th, Lexi Arnold 9th.
Twins Grace and John Carlson took 1st place in the 4th grade girls and boys