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Just For Kids    |    for Kids Only

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published on 02/05/2006

D.A.R.E. Program a Success

SM Youth Community Officer

Local Signal Mountain Youth Community Relations Officer, Greg Hill reports that the D.A.R.E. programs which he presents to the students at both Nolan and Thrasher Elementary Schools is considered a success. D.A.R.E. stands for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. A recent letter from the president and chief executive officer of D.A.R.E. America, Charlie Parsons states:

“The National Institute on Drug Abuse has released the 2005 Monitoring the Future survey. The proportion of 8th, 10th and 12th grade students who use illicit drugs continued to decline in 2005. Over the past four years there has been a 19% decrease in teenage drug use. This is real progress, and although we cannot take complete credit, there is no question that D.A.R.E. is a key component of the efforts made to achieve these results. Bottom line - there are now 670,000 fewer teens using drugs than there were in 2001. Congratulations to all D.A.R.E. officers for your dedication and commitment to helping the nation's children resist drugs and violence!”

Congratulations to Officer Hill and all the fifth grade students at both schools who have participated in this year’s D.A.R.E. programs.

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