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Signal Mountain Historic District Newsletters and Events
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published on 09/09/2002

Old Towne/Signal Mtn. Historic District Summer/Fall Newsletter

By Newsletter Editor

From Marian Riggar---

1.Please read my letter about taking on Ollie Benton’s role in the Post or Mirror. Jane remains as social chairman.

2.Thanks to Jane and the Kelly’s for planning this social. If you do not receive Jane’s mailed invitation, call Marian at 6498. You need to join Old Towne Association or correct an omission.

3.Bravo to Jack Montgomery and his neighbors for telling us that his Ohio Avenue cul de sac will buy a street sign for their intersection. This is the first group to pledge an intersection and should challenge us all. Their sign will be acknowledged with a small plaque.

The fundraising campaign is being directed in several ways:

A. Letters to guests of an Historic Evening at Marrcrest on May 11, a tribute to the Whites.

B. Following Jack Montgomery’s lead—small signs of acknowledgement will be placed by sign at the intersections. Why not honor someone special to you, or all members of 1 or 2 households pledge a sign to make their street “theirs”?

C.Please call Marian at 6498 to follow-up on A or B.


Important Questions Answered:

1.If you made a donation in 2001, I have that record and that donation will count for signs. Of course we’d love more.

2.In the fall of 2001, I suggested a yearly $10 donation. Again, I kept records. We will not start that plan until 2004, but you will be acknowledged for what you gave and, of course we’d love more.

3.The rest of 2002 and 2003 will be targeted to fundraising for the signs and miscellaneous costs. All amounts will be acknowledged and all donations remain anonymous. Please make payable to Old Towne Home & Garden Tour and send to Riggar, 107 Louisiana Avenue.

4.We do still have the funds from the Christmas supper at Marrcrest. The actual cost of streetlights with banners proved to be exorbitant at nearly $3,000 per light, and the town could not commit to maintaining them. At this time we can use that money, raise more, and accomplish something more impressive throughout this area as opposed to making only a few corners noteworthy. To be frank, our present signs are much the worse for wear—even missing. I also hope we can combine stop signs with street signs for a very compact, clean look.

5.OUR GOAL IS $10,000.

6.We will erect as many signs as we can on every street west of Maryland Avenue, not just “the district ones.”

7.We will try other fundraising events to supplement our goal:
·2003, the first Sunday in December, supper at Marrcrest.
·2003, May Tour of Homes and Gardens, first Sunday after Mother’s Day.

Additional Goals and Plans:
·Repeat the Parade, last Sunday in April 2003.
·Set up Garden Teams to work certain key intersections; i.e., TN Avenue and Miss. Ave.
·Have our own directory by 2004.
·Repeat Sparkle Day prior to tour of homes.
·Encourage several streets to throw small block parties at least every 2 years.
·Do more to welcome new neighbors into Old Towne
·**New** Bike Day – 4:00 – 5:00 on a Sunday (four times a year), when a certain area will be closed for safe biking for kids.
·Erect a Community Bulletin Board by Trolley.
·Begin a scrapbook/album.

Please call me if you want to get involved—even if you spoke to me, call me and leave your name.

Please call if you want to be sure you are on our mailing list—very important.

Please contribute via one of our campaign efforts.

Please thank Citizens Tri-County when you read that story in the paper in October. Gretchen Jones is the daughter of Al and Betty Jones, terrific ice cream scoopers!


·To Karen Currey for thanking the Whites in an editorial in the Times/Free Press.

·To all who’ve worked Old Towne events with me.

·To the McGanns who provided party favors and prizes for the parade.

·Especially I thank Susan Collins and Margo Gardner whose PC skills make all relaying of info possible, and to the Shartles of the GRAPEViNE for our website.

Please if you would like to contribute or find content that is inaccurate.

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