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Newcomers Newsletters
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published on 09/19/2002

Signal Mountain Newcomers September Newsletter

By Newsletter Editor


Welcome back to another new year of Newcomers in our new location. This year we will be meeting at the Walden Town Hall on the third Tuesday of each month. Our first Newcomers meeting will be Tuesday, September 17 at 10:00 am. Please join us for the first meeting, as we will hear from each of the activity coordinators regarding their plans for the year and how you can get involved.

We are looking forward to lots of social and service activities that can involve the whole family. One new activity for this year will be Family Night Out. The first Family Night Out will be a BYOP (bring your own picnic) on September 19th at 6:00 pm. Hope to see everyone there!

Newcomers is not only for people who have just moved to the mountain. If you know someone who has lived in our community for years and might be interested in joining our group, please invite them to one of our events.

Don’t forget our annual Summer Coffee will be on Thursday, September 5 from 10 to 12 at Allie Levine’s home (602 Hathaway).

As we look forward to the new year, I’m sure that everyone is reminded of our first meeting last, September 11, 2002. We are all reminded of how our lives have changed and how fortunate we are to live in such a special community.

See you September 17th at the Walden Town Hall.

Beth Baker () and Allie Levine ().

Young children are welcome at Newcomers meetings. However, if you would like to use a sitter, several Newcomers have used the following drop-off babysitting services:
•Paice Baccus, (beside Signal Mountain Athletic Club);
•Delane Rogers, (Carriage Hill).

Does work or other obligations keep you from attending our monthly meetings?

You don’t need to attend business meetings to be in Newcomers. Please check our calendar. We have several events in the evenings and on weekends.

SUMMER COFFEE will be on Thursday, September 5 from 10:00 to 12:00 at Allie Levine’s home at 602 Hathaway (off Timerlinks). Invitations have been sent to all 2 members, and to all people new to the mountain from April to present (according to a list obtained from Town Hall). If you know someone else who would like to come, please bring them.

A New Activity!!!!!!!!
Several members have expressed the need for social opportunities for kids and husbands in our organization. So load up the family and bring a picnic to the Pumpkin Patch on Thursday, September 19th at 6;00 PM for a “Family Night Out!”

Playgroup meets once a week (usually Fridays) from 10:00 am to Noon at a predetermined location. During warmer months we choose a fun outside location like parks or playgrounds, both on Signal and down the mountain as well. When it gets colder, we will take turns having the group over to each other’s homes. Most of us pack a lunch and the kids (and hungry moms) eat together. These are very informal get-togethers and are always lots of fun. It is a great way to make new friends for kids and moms alike! Upcoming dates: September 6, Pool Party at Janet Taylor’s house; September 13 at Cherokee Street Park; September 20 at Coolidge Park Fountain; September 27 at Riverview Park.

BINGO at Alexian on Mountain Creek
Play Bingo with the residents of Alexian (location off the mountain, on Mountain Creek) on the fourth Monday of each month. September’s BINGO date is Monday the 23rd at 10:30 AM. Please bring children, the residents love to visit with them!

We are anticipating a great year with many new faces. Can you believe there were 100+ new residents to the mountain just this summer?! If you have met anew resident, please let us know if they are interested in becoming a member.

If you would like to remain a part of Signal Mountain Newcomers please bring your 2 dues to the September 5th Coffee at Allie Levine’s house. Dues are $25.00.

If you have any membership questions, please call one of us.

Courtney Armstrong, and Heather Murphy, .

September’s ladies’ Night will be at Beth Baker’s house (4 Big Rock Road in Hidden Brook) on Thursday the 12th at 7:00. Bring an appetizer, dessert, or beverage to share. Please sign up at the meeting or call Beth at or Elke Grass at . We still need hostesses for the upcoming months!

Newcomers offers many things to the new residents here on the mountain. We know how hard it is when you first move, and we also know that change does not always wait for a convenient time. We like to offer meals to those in times of need, be it a birth, sickness, or death in the family. If you know of anyone who is experiencing a situation like one of these, we would love to know so we can help them. Also, if you would like to make and deliver a meal, or even a half a meal, we would welcome all the help we can get! Please call Rebecca Bursch at if you would like to help, or if you have any questions or information.

You’re guaranteed to have fun if you join us for chatting and hanging at the Clothes House. It’s a great way to help the community and Signal Mountain Welfare Council, plus you will almost always go home with a find or two! We meet there and hang clothes from 9 – 11 AM. The dates for fall are September 25, October 23, and November 20. Sign up at the monthly meetings, or call Kathryn Barrow for info at /email at . Older children are more than welcome to help, though toddlers and younger will need some supervision. We hope to see you there!

You are invited to join your friends (new and familiar) for lunch after each monthly meeting. The September 17th lunch will be held at Top of the Mountain restaurant directly after the meeting. Interested? Call Arlina Hensley at .
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