published on 04/23/2001
Newcomers May Newsletter
By Ann Iwanicki
Wow! This year has just flown by. We have had such fun welcoming new residents and becoming closer to old friends. My husband always comments on the fact that I know so many people. I simply say, ?Newcomers!? For those of you who are brand new, please come join us for our May meeting (May 1st) and check out what?s going on.
Teresa and I are sad to see the 12th year of Newcomers come to a close. We certainly have had a great time working with the board members and activity leaders. We truly appreciate everyone?s commitment and support that helped to make this year successful! We know that next year?s board will have lots of exciting things planned that you will want to be involved in.
At our May meeting, we will be introducing the new board and announcing the Newcomer of the Year! Members of the outgoing and incoming boards are invited to attend the Board Swap on Thursday, May 17th, 10AM at Dominique Gable?s home. Outgoing board members should bring with them a one-page report of activities/ accomplishments from the past year. Incoming board members will provide refreshments.
But the big news I?m sure everyone is anxious to find out, is how did the auction turn out? It was a tremendous success despite many obstacles. We raised $3,900! Big kudos to Elizabeth Stewart, Julie Queen and all of those who volunteered their help. What a terrific way to end the year! We will be presenting a check to a representative from the Bachman Center board of directors at our May meeting. The amount we will be able to donate will be less due to expenses incurred while organizing the auction.
We still have a few positions available on next year?s board. Please call Phyllis Angel-Roark () to let her know how you want to become involved!
Babysitting is available during our monthly meetings/ luncheon from 9:30a.m. ? 1:30 p.m. This is offered for a fee of $3/hr for one child and $1/hr for each additional child (cash only please). The nursery is located at the Signal Mountain Baptist Church. Infants and pre-walkers are welcome at the meeting. You can make reservations by calling Leanne Dolan at by the Friday before the meeting. To ensure that the nursery is adequately staffed for your child?s safety, reservations are required. You may call later to see if openings are still available. Remember to bring drinks, snacks, and lunch for your child if you will be attending the luncheon.
Please contact Leslie Culp at with any news regarding Newcomer births, illnesses, and deaths in the family. We will provide support and assist with meal preparation if needed
Below is a listing of Newcomers activities for the month of May:
Join us for Spring Clean-Up at James Park (at the Signal Mountain Boulevard traffic light). Two Work Dates Scheduled: Thursday, May 3 at 9:30AM and HUSBAND DAY, Saturday, May 5 at 10AM. Bring work gloves and gardening tools (hedge clippers, rakes, flower bed shovels, etc.). We need your help! Call Vicki Love at to volunteer. Thank you!
Summer Clothes Needed! The Signal Mountain Welfare Council is putting out a SOS for SUMMER CLOTHES for the Clothes House. They are in desperate need. Items can be dropped off at the Clothes House on Fairmont at any time. If the door is open, please bring them inside. If not, leave in the box on the porch. This is the ONLY location for drop off for their benefit. (DO NOT donate to the boxes on Signal Mountain Blvd. in error, which is not a mountain function, nor does it benefit Chattanooga. Rather, it is an organization in another state).
Ladies, join us for a special Ladies Night Out on Thursday, May 3rd at Jayme Upton?s. The evening will feature wine tasting and a wine cork wreath demonstration. To RSVP, call Jayme at .
Please join us for BUNCO on Thursday, May 10th at Sheri Jennings?. Playing BUNCO is a great way to meet people and have fun at the same time! Reserve your spot by calling Sheri at . We?ll start at 7pm; bring $5 with you.
Looking for ?quick and easy? recipes to serve your family at meal times? Join us for Recipe Club on Thursday, May 24 (11:30AM) at the home of Ann Iwanicki. We?ll be sampling dishes that can be prepared in a flash. Make something and bring it with you along with 10 copies of the recipe. Sign up by calling Ann at .
Couples Night Out will be celebrating the Mexican Holiday, Cinco de Mayo on, on Saturday, May 5 at 7:00pm, at the home of Teresa & Brad Marshall. Please bring a Mexican dish to share and a beverage for yourself. Wear something colorful! RSVP: Phyllis Angel-Roark .
For Book Club, we will be discussing We Were The Mulvaneys by Joyce Carol Oates on Wednesday, April 25th (7:30PM) at the home of Ann Iwanicki. We will select our May reading at this meeting, so follow-up with Linda MacDonald at for the details.
Our Hiking group meets on Fridays at the Pruetts parking lot at 9:15AM and returns between 2-2:30PM. Bring a lunch/snack and plenty of water. Also, wear hiking boots. If you have any questions or if the weather is questionable, contact Claire Griesinger at .
Playgroup meets on Fridays at 12Noon. Some people bring a picnic lunch or snack. Call the host by Thursday morning prior to meeting so we know how many people to expect. Hope to see you there! For more information, contact Nancy McCaffrey () or Marilyn Bean ().
5/4? Pumpkin Patch
5/11- Hostess: Marilyn Bean
5/18? Carousel/Fountains at Coolidge Park
5/25? Last one of the year! Hostess: Nancy McCaffrey
Let?s end the year with a picnic! After the meeting, we?ll plan to go to Point Park for a picnic lunch. Please call Elizabeth Stewart () and let her know if you plan to attend. A final count will be taken at the meeting. Elizabeth will order salads and beverages from the Pizza Place. The cost per person is $6.00. Don?t miss it!
The last meeting of the Signal Mountain Guild season is traditionally a picnic, but with the holiday, details are still sketchy. In any case, sign up at the meeting or give Vicki a call () and she will communicate when she has the details.
The May Alexian Auxiliary meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 21st at 10AM.
Bingo in the Valley is cancelled this month due to the Memorial Day holiday. Bingo at the Top of the Mountain is Thursday, May 24, 2:30-3:30PM. Please keep in mind that we traditionally continue our commitment to Bingo in the Valley during the summer months. Vicki will provide sign up sheets at the meeting. Share your summer with the elderly?great for kids to do as well.
Newcomers assist the Signal Mountain Welfare Council with the Clothes House two days each month. The Clothes House, located on Fairmont Avenue, sells donated clothes, toys and household items to raise money for Mountain residents in times of need. Volunteers are needed to hang clothes on Wed. 5/23 from 9-12noon. To sign up, call Connie Brown () or Lisa Stark ().
The next Newcomers Meeting will be held Tuesday, May 1, at 10:00 a.m. at the Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church. Look for signs for the room location. Board members will meet promptly at 9:15 a.m.
For more information on any Newcomer activity, please contact Amy Sowell () or Teresa Marshall ().