published on 11/20/2001
THE WELCOME MAT - Newcomers of Signal Mountain December Newsletter
Newcomers Newsletter Editor
Message from the Co-directors
The November meeting, which presented us with the opportunity for ?Retail Therapy,? was enjoyed by all who attended. We welcomed quite a few Mountain residents who are not Newcomers.
The Holiday Season is certainly upon us and is a welcome, albeit temporary, relief to the tragedies that seem to be ongoing. In the spirit of volunteerism, there are some events coming up to help those in need right here on the Mountain. All it will take is a little of your time. And, these will ?count? towards the Volunteer Event hours initiated this year.
First is the Signal Mountain Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony that Newcomers took on last year. This was such a fun time. If you are able to help, we need you. Please call Allie Levine () or Wendy Hagen (). There will be some pre-planning projects to assist with and also duties the night of the event (December 7). Mark your calendar to attend!
Also, on December 15 (9:00) plan to rise early and help pack ?baskets? at Signal Mountain Middle School. This is a FAMILY treat. Bring the kids and the husband and help prepare the boxes of goodies for our Mountain?s needy. Following (about 11:30) will be the delivery. We ask that children DO NOT attend this portion to preserve the anonymity of the recipients. So, perhaps you can get someone to watch your sweeties and spend an hour or so delivering the baskets to their recipients. You are welcome to participate in one or both phases. Contact Teresa Marshall () for details.
All who have not paid dues for 2001-02 and/or turned in their Volunteer Event choice sheets have been sent a reminder. We know in your busy lives that these little things slip by. We have been sending newsletters to those who, per our charter are no longer eligible to receive them. Please make certain to send in current dues by December 15 when we will be updating our member mailing list. Please remember that our Newcomer sponsored activities and events are for paid members and prospective members. Don?t miss out on the fun - send your $25 check today!
We are also recording participation at Volunteer Events, so please make certain that you jot your dates down and give them to one of the Co-directors to log. There are lots of opportunities coming up, and turning in the Volunteer sheets is important to help us plan. If you haven?t already, please return them a.s.a.p.
December?s meeting will be a treat. Erlanger?s (FREE!) HealthLink Plus coordinator is coming to tell us what we get for just filling out a postcard. In addition, Ethan Allen is opening their new gallery in December and their decorator is coming to show us how to make Holiday mantels and tables extra special.
See you December 4th at the Bachman Center (10:00a.m.)!
Vickie Love
Dominique Gable
The Newcomers Meeting will be held Tuesday, December 4, at 10:00 a.m. at the Bachman Community Center. Board Meeting at 9:15!!
Membership Committee
If you know someone new to the Mountain, or who would like to join Newcomers, please contact Nancy McCaffrey at or Rebecca Bursch at . Also, if you have not paid your dues this year, do so now to assure your inclusion in our directory!
New Visitors:
Kathryne & David Barrow (and Olivia, 6 months)
719 Kentucky Avenue
What?s happening this month with Newcomers?
Join us for BUNCO Thursday evening, 12/13 at 7:00 p.m. Bring $5 with you, as well as your (alcoholic) beverage of choice. Everyone is welcome? especially those who have never played before! Call Mary Beth McClure at for details and to reserve your spot.
Join us for Recipe Club on Thursday, December 6, 11:30 a.m. at Ann Iwanicki?s home, 2305 Covington Cove Lane. Call Elizabeth Stewart () for details and to RSVP if you plan to attend.
We will meet on December 6 at 7:00 at Top of the Mountain Restaurant. Please r.s.v.p. to Jayme Upton () by December 4 if you plan to attend, and we hope you will!!
Ladies? Lunch
Join us after the meeting on December 4 for lunch at the Sourdough Café. A head-count will be taken at the meeting.
PLAYGROUP meets every Friday at 10am. Some people bring a picnic lunch or snack. Hope to see you all there! For Locations or questions, contact Eunice Campbell ().
Anyone interested in Bridge? Sudie Thorpe will organize bridge groups for anyone interested. For those of you who have never played but always wanted to know how, Sudie will arrange for instruction in this great parlor game, so sign up at the next meeting, or call Sudie at .
For details concerning this month?s selection and location, please contact Nancye Freeman at .
We want to extend our support and sympathy to Jeannie Nolan on the loss of her grandmother. Your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Please call Dominique Gable () or Vicki Love () with any news regarding Newcomer births, illnesses or deaths in the family. We will provide support and assist with meal preparation if necessary.
Couples? Night Out
Holiday Party***Saturday, December 1***7:00pm
Please bring your own beverage and an Hors d?oeuvre
Mimi and Uwe Abels? Home
3105 Pintail Lane (Fox Run) RSVP Mimi Abels
Questions? Call Phyllis Angel-Roark
Please tell Phyllis Angel-Roark () in 2001.
BINGO at Alexian
Coordinator: Teresa Marshall ().
Alexian Auxiliary
Remember Alexian Village Auxiliary meetings on Monday, December 10 at 10:00 at the Signal Mountain facility. Call Teresa for more information.
Consider joining the Signal Mountain Guild! No meeting is scheduled for December; however, meetings are normally held the 4th Wednesday from 10-12 noon at the Signal Mountain Town Hall. Call Teresa Marshall at to RSVP.
Volunteers are needed to help pack boxes of food and other goods for those in need in our community on December 15, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Children are welcome to help pack the boxes. At approximately 11:30 a.m., the delivery of the boxes to homes will begin (only adults for this part). Please call Teresa Marshall () to sign up or if you have questions. You will be blessed and have fun, too.
Newcomers assist the Signal Mountain Welfare Council with the Clothes House one day each month. The Clothes House, located on Fairmount Avenue, sells donated clothes, toys and household items to raise money for Mountain residents in times of need.
Volunteers are needed to hang clothes on Wednesday, 12/19 from 9-12 noon. Children are welcome to attend. You may sign up at the meeting or call Connie Brown ().
Babysitting is available during our monthly meetings/ luncheon from 9:30a.m. ? 1:30 p.m. for $3/hr for one child and $1/hr for each additional child (cash only please). Signal Mountain Baptist Church graciously allows us to use their nursery but requires that all children be able to walk (infants and pre-walkers are welcome at the meeting). Make reservations by calling Arlina Hensley () by the Friday before the meeting. To ensure that the nursery is adequately staffed for your child?s safety, reservations are required. You may call later to see if openings are still available. Remember to bring drinks, snacks, and lunch for your child if you will be attending the luncheon.
Happy Holidays, Newcomers! The Fundraising Committee is busy with our plans for the Holiday Carnival and Tree Lighting that will begin at 5:00 p.m. at M.A.C.C. on Friday, December 7. We will have a holiday carnival with games and prizes, story-telling with Old Doc Bob, the tree lighting, pictures with Santa, craft projects, Christmas caroling, and lots of holiday goodies! We need volunteers for the carnival and to make goodies for our bake sale table. Expect to get a call!!
We are still accepting recipes for our cookbook and have extended the deadline until December 10. Please e-mail or send your recipes to Allie Levine at or call her at for other arrangements.
We hope that everyone has a happy and safe holiday season and remember to take a little time out in your busy schedules to remember what is really important. We are all so blessed to live in such a wonderful community and to be surrounded by such terrific friends! The Fundraising Committee wishes you all Happy Holidays and a joyous New Year!
Hiking Club
The Hiking Club will meet every Friday - weather permitting - at 9:30 a.m. in the Pruett?s parking lot. Bring a lunch or snack and plenty of water. If you have any questions, call Jean Nolan at .
The Hospitality Committee needs an assistant who is willing to coordinate special meals for members in need and to submit announcements of needs to the Newsletter.
Also, we need a Programming Chairperson to begin coordinating the meeting programs. Only 4 months remain, beginning in January 2002, so here?s your chance to plan meetings around topics and celebrities of your choice!
Please contact Dominique () or Vicki () if you can help.
As Always, Our Special Thanks to:
Bachman Community Center for hosting our meetings; Signal Mountain Baptist Church for the use of their nursery; The Bread Basket for furnishing the yummy refreshments; Mailboxes, Etc. for printing our Newsletter.
The Deadline for the next Newsletter is December 10. Please submit your info. to Deanna Daugherty by e-mail at , or by phone ().