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Homeschoolers - Newsletters

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published on 10/17/2001

October 2001 Newsletter

Author of Homeschoolers Newsletters

*"Thank you" to Pat Wesolowski for speaking at our October meeting. She is always fun and encouraging to listen to.

*Join old and new friends for play days at the old playground behind the Country Club on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month, starting in October, from 1:30 - 3:00 PM. Organizer is Carla Merrell, .

*Thank you to Linda Neuhoff for graciously agreeing to be the Media Contact for our group. If you have a photograph and/or information about a homeschool activity that you want included in the Post, etc., Linda is the person to contact.

*Remember that dues are $10 this year, payable to treasurer Sarah Holmes.

*A huge thank you goes to Laura Miller for all her hard work putting the directory and babysitting list together for us this year. Way to go, Laura!

*We still need volunteers to represent our group at CSTHEA meetings which are held once a month. You can sign up to attend only one, which will not take much of your time. Contact Diane if you can help.

*Speaking of the CSTHEA meetings, Laura Miller learned at the last one that the drivers and organizers of homeschool events need to be members of THEA in order to have extended insurance coverage, and they also need to have parents sign release forms. Contact Laura or THEA if you have questions.

*Contact , if your child, 11 years or older, wants to take the babysitting class on November 30 or the CPR class on December 7. She has all the details, but you need to let her know and pay by October 26.

*If you have not yet had pictures made at Tucker Photography for the yearbook, there is still time between now and the end of this month. Phone # is

*To order yearbooks contact Sarah Holmes and make your checks out to CSTHEA.

*I just want to say "thank you" from the whole group to all those who have volunteered their time to make our meetings, etc. run so smoothly this year. Laura and Linda are mentioned above, Diane is tireless in her job, Ann has worked hard to schedule some wonderful speakers, Allyson and Joyce (and others) have fun field trips for us, Joyce is keeping those book reports on schedule, Tonya keeps those refreshments coming, Jennifer and Angie schedule the Clay Lady, our phone callers: Judith, Jennifer and Laura spend precious time keeping us informed, Pam takes care of "God's World News" for us and does our testing, Janet sends those helpful postcards, Kathy has a skating party planned in December, Carla is coordinating play dates at the playground, Sarah serves as secretary/treasurer and churns out a great yearbook, Laura keeps our used curriculum list, several have volunteered to bring refreshments, attend CSTHEA meetings, and on and on and on! THANK YOU!

*Be sure to check the calendar on this website for events and field trips.

"Whatever your years, there is in every being's heart the love of wonder, the undaunted challenge of events, the unfailing childlike appetite for "What's next?" and the joy and the game of life." --Douglas Mac Arthur

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