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Homeschoolers - Newsletters

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published on 11/20/2001

November 2001 Newsletter

Author of Homeschoolers Newsletters

December Oral Book Report for all ages will be the 7th, 1:00 at SM Church of Christ. Christmas Around the World is the theme, so report on a favorite country, telling how Christmas is celebrated there and bring a food item from that country to share. On January 11 report on your favorite mystery and come prepared to solve a mystery.

Hot Chocolate Mix Needed! The Welfare Council has asked the homeschoolers to donate hot chocolate mix for 85 Christmas baskets this year. Please bring it to the skating party on December 14 or get it to Allyson Kinard before then. Please be generous!

The SM Welfare Council also needs help packing those Christmas baskets on December 15 at 9:00 AM. Families are welcome to help in the SMMS cafeteria, then adults can help deliver the baskets at 11:30 that day.

Remember that the skating party (see calendar of events) will take the place of our regular monthly meeting for December.

The Hamilton County Agricultural Extension office is participating in the "Re-Leaf TN" program, which makes free trees and educators' packets available to all area 4th graders and their teachers. Kelly Jackson, from that office, has graciously made this program available to homeschoolers this year. I have ordered enough trees for each 4th grader in our group to receive one. The trees are Eastern Redbuds, which will arrive the week of March 1. The educators' packet will be available the first part of February.

The January meeting (exact date TBA) is a dinner for adults at the home of Jerry and Janet Best. Jeff Atherton will be our guest speaker. More information will be coming in January, but go ahead and make your plans to be there the week of the 21st.

The Clay Lady will be at Mt. Carmel Baptist Church in February to do a clay project (probably a plate) with parents. This will be combined with a potluck dinner. Date to be announced later. Cost is $15 per plate. Contact Angie Ambrosetti for questions or to register.

SM Presbyterian Church has several free events planned during the next few months:
Christmas Fest December 12 at 6:45 PM and December 16 at 7:00 PM. You must have tickets to attend, so contact the church office to pick those up. The concerts are FREE.

Winter Jazz with Jerry Coker is February 1 at 7:30 PM. Mr. Coker is one of the world's best sax players and its foremost jazz educator. Sacred jazz in the Sanctuary will be followed by a Coffeehouse Jam Session at 8:30. Piano, bass, and drums will fill out the band. Cost is free.

Improvisation Master Class with Jerry Coker will be Saturday, February 2 at 10:30 AM, registration is $15. Call

Sacred Dance - internationally awarded dancer Kathy Thibodeaux leads this stunning company of professionals in an artistic and inspirational tour-de-force. Cost: free

Ballet Workshop with the Company on Saturday, March 9, 10:30 AM, $15 registration. Call

David H. Gray History Fair, sponsored by Chatt. Regional History Museum March 9 for grades 4 - 12; at UTC McClellan Gym; deadline to enter is February 15; contact the museum for a registration packet and rules (rules have changed since last year) . This fair is connected with the National History Day, and winners in 6th - 12th grades can go on to compete in the TN History Day State Competition, to be held at the University of Memphis on April 20.

The UTC String Project is currently registering for its Spring 2002 class in violin, viola, and cello. The class is open to new students only in 3rd or 4th grade, and is taught by Gary Wilkes at Cadek Conservatory. Students will meet twice a week on Wednesdays from 5:30 - 6:25 PM and Saturdays from 11:00 - 11:55 AM. The fee is $30 per semester. For more information call Dr. Steven Bird at . Linda Neuhoff and Angela Kindiger both have had experience with this class and will be happy to talk with anyone who is interested or has questions.

Carla Merrell has volunteered to coordinate Friday play groups for us. All ages are welcome to meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays, 1-3 PM at the old playground behind the country club. In case of inclimate weather, meet at McDonalds.

Jan Bond handed out information on THEA, CSTHEA, and HSLDA at the November meeting. If you are not a member of THEA or HSLDA please consider joining. The ESPRIT newsletter is available through CSTHEA and you can subscribe to that even now. Contact Jan if you would like more information. She can steer you in the right direction.

Remember to send your candid photos to Sarah Holmes to be included in the yearbook. Be sure to include your name, address, and a description of the events in the photo on the back of the photographs.

Check the calendar for field trips.

"Humility is strong - not bold; quiet - not speechless; sure - not arrogant." ---Estelle Smith

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