published on 07/01/2003
Town Approves 2003 - 2004 Budget
By staff writer
The called special meeting and public hearing of June 23rd was postponed until Monday, June 30th because the mayor had a conflict. Present at this meeting were town manager Hershel Dick and town recorder Diana Campbell. Roll call was dispensed with but Mayor Jim Althaus asked that the records show that Vice-mayor Bill Leonard and Councilmembers Steve Ruffin, Rachel Bryant, and Robert White were all present. Only town attorney Phil Noblett was absent from the meeting.
The purpose of this meeting was to hear a second reading of two ordinances and vote on them. The first pertained to the amending of the 2 Budget to reflect the refinancing of loans, bonds, and notes which will reduce the Town’s debts significantly saving as much as $10,000 a year over eight years for one of the refinanced loans. In addition over $200,000 from the Sewer Fund will be transferred to the general fund now that the Sewer Fund no longer exists. At the last regularly scheduled meeting, it was noted that this money was fees received by residents with sewers. Mayor Althaus pointed out once again that because this was like a gift it should not be used for the running of the Town but in fact it has been targeted to make repairs and renovations of the park behind the Signal Mountain Golf and Country Club by the “old pool.”
Mention of the park brought a question by resident Bill Gallagher asking if there was money to do the renovations. Mayor Althaus pointed out once again that not only was the money there but that the Playground Committee had presented a plan two months ago and then at last month’s meeting an additional three people were added to that committee. Resident, Mark Shartle, said that although he supports a park/playground, he noted that since the Town has no long-range plan, was there any discussion about a better or alternative way to spend the money to which there was no answer from the Council. The only person to speak against the renovation of the park was the Club general manager, Scott Hare, who feels the road back to the ball fields is already a hazard. A lengthy discussion on speeding cars led town manager, Hershel Dick to suggest speed bumps and a lower speed limit be initiated. Others in the audience had questions. Finally, Mayor Althaus pointed out that the Playground Committee will meet, make a presentation to the Recreation Board, who then will come before the Town Council for final approval. Mayor Althaus said that if anyone had questions or positive suggestions to contact Scott Cook, recreation director.
The second ordinance read at the meeting was one approving the 2 Budget and setting the tax rate. After closing the Public Hearing, the mayor called for the vote, separately, on the two ordinances. Both passed unanimously.
Before closing the meeting, Mayor Althaus opened the meeting to any other business. The majority of people in the audience were there to protest a parking lot being built at the entrance of Rainbow Lake on Ohio Avenue. Residents of the Old Towne Historic District spoke against the project. Several things seemed to have happened to bring the situation to where it was at the meeting. First of all, Sam Powell secured a grant to improve the parking at the entrance of Rainbow Lake and only Sam Powell has a copy of the grant so no one in the Town knows what the “improvements” are. Second, while town manager Hershel Dick was out of town, someone on “their own” decided to begin work on the project and bulldozed down a large area destroying natural habitat, trees, and shrubbery separating the street from the golf course. Resident Eric McLain pointed out there was no plan, no due process, and that the damage had been done. And in fact, everyone learned that the Mayor and Councilmembers did not know about the parking lot until concerned residents brought it to their attention. Mayor Althaus gave the audience around fifteen minutes to vent their frustrations then he noted that it all needed to be said again at the regularly scheduled meeting on July 14th. At that time, Sam Powell will be present with the grant and the plan. In the meantime, process on the parking lot has stopped. Resident Bill Sonnenburg asked that information concerning the grant and the plan be available to the public before the next meeting to which Hershel Dick said he would provide.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.