published on 10/01/2000
October 2000 Signal Mountain Town Council Meeting
By staff writer
All members of the Town Council were present as well as the town attorney, manager, recorder, and engineer. Also present was the chairman of the town planning commission, two persons running for town council, Julian Bell and Joe Dumas, various members of the media, and concerned citizens.
• During remarks by visitors, citizens living on Kentucky, Oak, and Signal Mountain Boulevard expressed their concern over the large amount of rainwater runoff they are experiencing as a result of the new building development at Signal Mountain Presbyterian Church. The town engineer discussed a possible solution which the mayor pointed out would fit into the bigger problem the whole town is facing about runoff water from rain. The architect for the church building expressed the desire of the church to fix the problems the citizens are experiencing. The decision was made to have the town engineer, the church, and the citizens affected by the problem work together to come up with an amicable solution that would leave all parties happy and dry.
• The Council voted to donate $5,000 to the Mountain Education Fund.
• The Council voted to accept the low bids for items in the town budget, which include: extruded concrete curb, asphalt paving, diving stands and boards, police cars.
• During remarks by council members, Councilman Brendan Olin shared concerns from citizens who wondered about the status or the Timberlinks Road project. Town engineer, Art Parry, said paving would begin soon. Mayor Jim Althaus apologized for the decision to use the town in this project and Councilman Bob Steel pointed out to members of the audience that the town had good intentions in trying to save money by using its own people for the project but now realized that it was a mistake. Mr. Steel said, “If you are not a brain surgeon you shouldn’t perform brain surgery.”
• The date for the swearing in of the newly elected council members was set for Saturday, November 11, at 10:00 AM in the Guild Room.
• The mayor listed a litany of things the town council and town has accomplished over the past year that all members of the community should be proud of as it was all done without raising any taxes.
• In closing, the mayor said that he and the other mayors attending the last 20/20 Growth Plan meeting voted to send the message to Nashville that Hamilton County is at an impasse and cannot come to an amicable decision concerning the growth plan. Therefore, a judge or panel of judges will have to make the decision for us. He pointed out that every effort will be made to continue negotiations between the town and county residents in hope of finding a resolution to the problems. The possible loss of federal grant money is forcing the issue to be resolved.