published on 07/11/2001
July 2001 Signal Mountain Town Council Meeting
By staff writer
The Town of Signal Mountain Council met Monday, July 9, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. Mayor Jim Althaus, Vice-mayor Bob Steel, and Councilmember Steve Ruffin were present. Councilmembers Billy Steele and Rachel Bryant had excused absences. Also present were Hershel Dick, town manager, Diana Campbell, town recorder, Joe Wagner, town attorney, and Phil Noblett, assistant town attorney.
The mayor opened the meeting with prayer and the town recorder called roll. The minutes of the last two meetings, June 11 and June 22 (a called meeting) were approved as corrected.
There were no ordinances to be voted on.
Mayor Althaus read a resolution thanking Bob Anderson, former managing editor of the Signal Mountain Post for his past efforts in that position. The resolution expressed appreciation and an ?old fashion mountain thanks? for his service to the Signal Mountain community. The certificate of appreciation was kept until all members of the Council could sign it at which time it will be given to Mr. Anderson.
Bill Woodcock and Nino Piccolo addressed the Council concerning their desire to sell beer at their restaurants. After looking at the current Town of Signal Mountain ordinances, they would like to change the ordinances to allow them to sell beer on the premises and also wanted the language concerning a corkage fee from ?brown bagging? be cleaned up. Much to the surprise of the councilmembers, the two men, and citizens in the audience, town assistant attorney, Phil Noblett in response to the two men?s questions, announced that currently the town does not permit ?brown bagging? although it is practiced at both restaurants. Mayor Althaus suggested Mr. Noblett and Bill and Nino get together to write the ordinance changes and present them at the next meeting of the Town Council.
Lou Oliphant presented the report of the Planning Commission, which recommended the recending of the alleyway abandonment ordinance that was passed last year at the request of Brendon Olin, a resident of Signal Mountain. It seems the town abandoned a particular alleyway, but never had possession of it and so didn?t have the authority to abandon it. Now residents along the alleyway are facing problems among each other and utilities with ?right of way? are competing for use of the alleyway. More meetings are scheduled to address this problem.
Hershel Dick, town manager reported that Mr. Jim Raulston had offered, to the Town of Signal Mountain, a piece of land behind some property on James Boulevard. Although the town is grateful for the offer, the members of the Council agreed that the town does not currently need the property for anything and therefore were declining the gift. Mayor Althaus asked Mr. Dick to thank Mr. Raulston on behalf of the town, which he said he would do.
Vice-mayor, Bob Steel addressed the audience reminding them that the Town of Signal Mountain has a leash law and that any dangerous dogs should be reported so that the town would not have a repeat of what happened to the boy killed by his family's Rotwiler dog. This brought up the question of who to call when stray dogs are apparent and the answer is the Signal Mountain Police. The Human Society, who enforces the leash law, will then be contacted and be responsible for collecting dogs not on leashes. He also warned citizens to be aware of house repair scams.
Mayor Althaus brought up a report from CARTA on the number of trips made up and down the mountain this past year. These trips are for people who requested the service, which CARTA provides now that the busses do not come up on a regular basis. The mayor questioned the cost to the town since only three people have used the service. No one asked why more people didn?t use the service or even if the citizens of the Town of Signal Mountain know the service exist.
Finally, town attorney, Joe Wagner reported that suits had been filed against 62 citizens for failing to pay back taxes.
To contact the Town of Signal Mountain .